How we helped Mauricio close £194,000 in 5 months without case studies

Key Topics

Client Acquisition
Business Strategy


  • Lack of prior marketing and agency experience
  • No established client base or case studies
  • Unfamiliarity with sales and marketing strategies
  • Difficulty in targeting a specific niche market


  • Identify a target niche in the renewable and logistics sectors
  • Develop a clear value proposition and offer
  • Implement targeted marketing and sales strategies within the chosen niche
  • Focus on delivering value and long-term results to clients as a trusted partner rather than being viewed as a service provider
  • Follow our structured blueprint to gain clarity on the exact steps needed to succeed


  • Closed £194,000 in deals within five months
  • Secured multiple high-value contracts with reputable clients
  • Established a sustainable business model with consistent income
  • Developed a clear and scalable business strategy