August 29, 2024

Master the 3-step sales process to close $100k+ deals

Learn the proven 3-step sales process that helped us close $100k+ deals, even if you're new, introverted, or have no case studies.

Master the 3-step sales process to close $100k+ deals

In this blog, we will share our proven 3-step sales process that has helped us close over 20 $100k deals for our growth partner agency in the last two years. Whether you’re new to sales, an introvert, or lack case studies, this process can work for you.

Why This Sales Process?

We’ve refined our approach over the years, ensuring that each step is essential for success. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The discovery call script that uncovers the gold in prospect conversations
  • The simple sales presentation that closes multiple 6-figure deals
  • How to get clients to pay $10,000+ a month for a year

Step 1: Pre-Call Research

Before any call, we spend time researching the prospect and their company. This research shows that you’ve put in the effort and can speak their language, which helps build rapport. You can’t market something when you don’t know who you’re marketing to. We make sure to know, in as much detail as possible:

  • The Target Market / Customer Avatar (age, income, etc.)
  • Their pains
  • How the product/service solves their pains
  • Their desires
  • How the product/service will get them their desires
  • How the product/service takes the least amount of effort
  • Why haven’t they done this themselves?

It doesn’t matter what level of marketing you are at or how much you make. These questions are foundational to every single campaign.

Step 2: Discovery Call

The discovery call is where we dig deep into the prospect’s pain points, challenges, goals, and previous solutions.

Here’s a simplified version of the questions we use:

Overview Questions:
  • What is your niche?
  • What is your main service?
  • Who is currently purchasing your products or services?
  • Where do you want to be, and what’s your goal?
Current State Questions:
  • How are you currently spending your day?
  • What are your current metrics?
  • What tools are you using, and what are their pros and cons?
Desired State Questions:
  • What are your goals for the next 6, 12, and 36 months?
  • What is the desired {metric} in 6 months?
Problem Questions:
  • What is preventing you from reaching your goals?
  • What is your number one priority right now?

Step 3: The Growth Plan

The growth plan is the cornerstone of our process. This customised plan shows the prospect exactly how we’ll solve their problems and move them closer to their goals.

Here’s a simplified structure of our growth plan:

  1. Headline: How to get {desire} without {pain}
  2. Who It’s For: Specifically call out the prospect’s role and industry
  3. Case Studies: Prove that your method works (or skip if you don’t have case studies)
  4. What to Expect: List the transformations they can expect
  5. How It Works: Outline your unique mechanism for delivering results
  6. Next Steps and Options: Show them the options of working together
  7. Customised Plan: Apply your steps to their specific situation
  8. Value Stack: Show them all the value they’ll get and the cost of not working with you
  9. Partnership Options: Present the financial options and remind them of your guarantee
Presenting the Growth Plan

When presenting the growth plan:

  1. Reset the scene and frame the meeting.
  2. Invite them to see how you can help.
  3. Close the deal by offering two financial options, ensuring they feel in control.
Overcoming Objections

Here are three questions to overcome any objections:

  1. Are you clear on how this is different from what you're doing?
  2. Are you confident this will help you reach your goals?
  3. How committed are you to taking action to make a change?
Questions to Close

Use these questions to confirm the specific issue and close the deal:

  • Do you think this will work for you?
  • Do you think we will have a good relationship?
Logical Closing
To add subtle pressure without being pushy, use logical closing with options.

Let's consider options:

  1. Option 1: Work with us and get the desired result
  2. Option 2: Work with us and don’t get the desired result but likely get closer to your goal
  3. Option 3: Don’t work with us and don’t get the result you desire
Final Steps

After closing the deal, make your new client feel special by:

  • Bringing value, like introducing them to someone in your network
  • Sending a gift, such as a high-quality notebook or pen
  • Sending a personalised video expressing your excitement about the partnership

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